Author Archives: Liora Shalomayev

Liora Shalomayev

This is my drawing for how I viewed the article, “This Changes Everything” by Naomi Klein. One of the quotes that inspired this drawing is in her introduction, “Most projections of climate change presume that future changes – greenhouse emissions, temperature increases and effects such as sea level rise – will happen incrementally. A given amount of emission will lead to a given amount of temperature increase that will lead to a given amount of smooth incremental sea level rise.” The flooding and the gas-filled sky is the main point of my drawing, because this is how I imagine the world would be like in the future if humans ignore climate change and the scientific facts in this article that explain this all would happen if there is no change. Many people choose to deny or joke about climate change, so it will be very hard to prevent this crisis that will come sooner than most people think. Furthermore, the article states that not only will the carbon dioxide increase in the atmosphere and sea-levels rise, there would be also a loss of biodiversity, hence the trees in my drawing that have no leaves or any life in them. Overall, the absence of colors in my drawing can result in greater feelings of bleakness and melancholy, which can have more of an impact to an audience rather then using bright and colorful colors.

As an extra, I also wanted to include this image that I found which points out one other point that I didn’t include in my drawing. A quote that this image reminded me of is stated by Klein when she talks about climate change as a battle between capitalism and the plant. She says that capitalism, “wins every time we accept that we have only bad choices available to us: austerity or extraction, poisoning or poverty.” Klein points out that capitalism wins every single time and that countries and governments should stop thinking about changing polices or money and strive to think differently to have a chance at defeating climate change. Therefore, this picture shows how earth is melting due to the increasing temperatures, and then gets turned into money. This picture portrays how governments think as of right now, because the government likes to think that helping the planet through economic means will be effective.