Author Archives: Kristina Almiron

Kristina Almiron – This Changes Everything

One of the main ideas that Naomi Klein makes in her book of “This Changes Everything” is that there is definitely an overlooked correlation between the climate change crisis and the economy. She expresses that the main reason why there hasn’t been much action from the government is because all of the actions that must be taken in order to lower emissions, threatens “an elite minority that has a stranglehold over our economy, our political process, and most of our media outlets” (152). In other words, taking action towards climate change goes against “deregulated capitalism,” and would ruin the wealth gap between the rich and the poor. She mentions the idea of protests and mass movement, however, she then proceeds to explain that it is not enough. At the end of the day, it is truly up to the government to take charge.

Due to this inequality, there tends to be an unfair amount of treatment. For example, in regards to the destructive hurricanes that have hit, Klein explains that more money was given to New Jersey real estate developers even though they had an insignificant amount of damage, in comparison to New Orleans that had an insane amount of damage when hurricane Katrina hit. This goes to show how the majority of people, including the less wealthy, are neglected when it comes to getting the right amount of attention from the government.

Klein also expresses the effects of rising temperatures, specifically, what would happen if temperatures rose 2 degrees Celsius above. As of now, we have surpassed this and are heading towards a 4 degree, or even a 6 degree world. Rising temperatures could potentially harm the environment to the point where we could have deadly heat waves, drowning cities, a complete loss of ecosystems and a decline in food stocks.