Author Archives: Jessica Cen

Jessica Cen- This Changes Everything(Naomi Klein)

What Is Anthropogenic Global Warming?

“ The temperatures in summer were indeed unusually hot… And it is no mystery why this has been happening: the profligate burning of fossil fuels, the very thing the US Airways was bound to do despite the inconvenience presented by a melting tarmac.”(2) This photo shows the cause of climate change due to the excessive use of fossil fuels, and it relates to Klein’s article when she mention about the inconveniences climate change has brought to everyone. She gave examples on how the black pavement melted, causing the plane to delay, and how natural disasters have destroyed homes. Overall, people’s lives have been directly and indirectly affected by climate change, which urges the need to make changes that could lower the emission of fossil fuels to protect the environment.

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“Climate change is like that;it’s hard to keep it in your head for very long. We engage in this odd form of on-again-off- again ecological amnesia for perfectly rational reasons. We deny because we fear that letting in the full reality of this crisis will change everything ”(4). Since people’s daily lives are busy due to attending work or school, usually they don’t care about climate change because they are focused on other things. As long as they could earn money and pay their bills, other things don’t seem important to them. Klein is arguing that climate change is an issue people need to turn their head towards, because it would harmfully affect us later on in the future. The harm climate change could bring us is irreversible, so instead of pretending that everything is fine, we should start taking action right away.

people-holding-hands-around-the-world-md (With images) | People ...

“Then surely humans should be capable of making some important lifestyle changes in the interest of stabilizing the physical system upon which all life depends…. Changes that need to be made to dramatically cut emissions would also dramatically improve the quality of life for majority people”(16). Klein introduces certain points people could follow to reduce fossil fuel emissions. She mentioned policies that could improve lives by closing the gap between rich and poor. Which could help us focus more on the issue of climate change. To actually solve the issue, everyone has to focus on this and change their lifestyles. Before things get worse, we still have a chance to make a difference and protect our home from problems that are caused by climate change.