Homework 5-11

Why do you think the video on the green new deal (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9uTH0iprVQ) is narrated from the future? If you like, compare this form of storytelling to the effects of Klein’s or Kolbert’s reporting on the planet’s future. Include at least one analysis of a screen shot from the video to make your point.

19 thoughts on “Homework 5-11

  1. Doris

    The video on the green new deal is narrated fro the future because it is expressing hope that the new generations of today can do and make reform that the previous generation cannot accept. As mentioned in the video, a lot of things has happened in the past few years that has changed the course of the environment and although there are many different big businesses out there who can use even a tenth of their profits to make a change and find more ecofriendly ways to produce and enhance business, they instead take the easy way out by trying to cover up the entire problem. This was just like what Naomi Klein stated in her article where she talked about how businesses do not focus on the larger, root problem but on the smaller, not necessarily important problems. By refusing to acknowledge the problem, these business owners would not have to change the way they do their business and create their products. The video offered an alternative solution to this issue and that solution is educating the youth. The youth are the next generation of the working force and by teaching from the beginning the problems in the economy that leads to these issues, it can inspire them to change and hold a new mindset since early on. Ileana is a example of such. She has been taught about the economy and how it has affected the environment and in return, she taught the younger generations about them as well as promoted different programs that can educate others. This video addresses to the future as it tells a story about how humans faced a problem and came up with a solution. It sends the message that although there might be problems in the future, there are still many ways in which the problems can be solved as long as someone tries.

  2. Umar Ali

    The video is narrated from the future to try and influence the current generation to think more about how their actions are affecting the world. The video does this by describing a great problem that was resolved through a great solution that involved everyone in the world to work together and prevent the world we are coming towards right now. Going back to Naomi Klein, she talked of how businesses fail to understand the greater result of their efforts to the environment. In this video, it addresses these problems that businesses would create and the result from it being prevented which is a world where the environment is thriving. At the time mark 2:04, this image shows that businesses overlook the climate change created by their own actions and justifying the consequences by believing the maximized profit is worth it. When climate change comes into question, they look to people with similar beliefs to put their mind at ease. This is the world today and without proper action, humans will contribute to the climate change of their own world where they must live in.

  3. Madison Estrella

    By narrating from the future, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez makes the Green New Deal sound very feasible and beneficial both socioeconomically and environmentally, which helps gather the intrigue and support of the audience. She first explains climate change as we know it, pointing out how big businesses and politicians are all aware of the growing crises yet still continue on with their pollutive practices and lack of legislation. However, when discussing Hurricane Maria, a natural disaster that has taken place during our time, Ocasio-Cortez uses her future-tense narration to present an alternative way that the government could’ve addressed the hurricane and other implications of climate change– with the Green New Deal (2020). Speaking from the future, she explains the successful decision to shift towards greener technologies, such as building a national smart grid, which opened up lots of job opportunities to the public. Thus, by telling the story of a greener future, Ocasio-Cortez vividly portrays a practical and comforting image of how exactly a shift towards a greener nation would allow for the bringing together of the socioeconomic gap and ensure that no one gets left behind. This form of storytelling seems to offer more hope than Naomi Klein’s reporting on the planet’s future as Ocasio-Cortez goes into much more detail about how socially benefitting greener policies would be as opposed to Klein’s impending call to action. While Klein uses current facts on the direness of the situation to incite change, Ocasio-Cortez uses an optimistic image of the future to evoke a willingness in the public to make the proper changes to achieve that ideal future.

  4. Leora kimmel

    The video is narrated in from the future in hope that one day people can watch this video and everything will be different, the green new deal will be a thought of the past. When it is finally 13 years after the 2017 Porto Rico hurricane the world will still be standing and in better shape than ever. There will be more jobs and the amount of people in poverty will be decreased because people did cut their carbon emissions in half. This video shows the steps that we need to take now to fix our economy and the ecosystem. If we put in the work then we can have a better, more green and sustainable future.

  5. Eve Babayeva

    The video is narrated from a future perspective because the narrator wants their audience to know what environmental horrors we may face if we do not impose a green act to cut down on our carbon footprint. Fixing the environment will create jobs, thus stimulating the economy, while also decrease the chances of flooding and natural disasters. This implies that many people can benefit if a more sustainable lifestyle is forced by the green act. The green act promotes green energy that comes with favorable tax reductions to appeal to companies that use fossil fuels. The purpose of the video was to educate impressionable viewers on what could be better in the future so that hopefully more people will support the green act.

    1. Catherine Engh Post author

      Nice post! This is a good point: “The purpose of the video was to educate impressionable viewers on what could be better in the future so that hopefully more people will support the green act.” Just to be clear though, the name of the legislation is the Green New Deal.

      “The green act promotes green energy that comes with favorable tax reductions to appeal to companies that use fossil fuels”

      Where did you see that in the video? Not sure that is quite accurate.

  6. Liora Shalomayev

    This is narrated in the future because, The Green New Deal is a congressional resolution that lays out a grand plan for tackling climate change. The proposal calls on the federal government to wean the United States from fossil fuels and curb planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions across the economy. It also aims to guarantee new high-paying jobs in clean energy industries. Thus, it show us the consequences of actually taking action instead of hoping that the problem will go away by itself. It also shows how it can be very harmful to our society if we don’t take climate change seriously, how poverty will increase and how many vital species can become extinct. Furthermore, towards the end of the video, she narrates from the “future” that important workers like teachers, home health aids and domestic workers can get a higher salary which is one of the positive outcomes to preventing climate change. After that it also shows how a hurricane flooded parts of Miami but, society can still be proud of overcoming the crisis of climate change. Humanity has overall become a better place in the future because people didn’t run from the problem but faced it instead.

  7. Ricky Singh

    Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had narrated the video from the future in an effort to make her audience aware of the benefits that come along with the implementation of the Green New Deal. The video was made with the intention to inform the audience of the problems brought upon us by climate change, and what’s in store if we don’t do anything now. Cortez creates a compelling argument claiming that the Green New Deal will not only help the environment, but also the struggling economy. With an effort towards environmental change, the creation of jobs comes along with it, Cortez uses the story of Ileana who had the opportunity to restore wetlands as part of the Green New Deal, to emphasize the job opportunities that can arise from the installation of the act. Soon after the job Ileana goes on to positively impact her community, and soon runs for a seat in Congress, Cortez including this to continue the idea that the deal is beneficial to our future generations. This form of storytelling is very effect, using Ileana and her development into the future to list the benefits the deal has in store.

  8. Teuta Berisha

    Due to large corporations and their denial of the ecological changes, such as climate change, there has been drastic effects seen with Hurricane Maria. The hurricane struck Puerto Rico with devastating implications and was primarily caused by climate change, as it had been the heaviest rain to hit their country. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez refers to events such as these, as further incentive to conform to greener methods in order to prevent the irreversible impacts of climate change. During the video, the fight for better practices and the Green new Deal are very urgent, as the time frame for change is only a little over a decade. Using a future tense in narrating the video shows the impacts of human action and the detriments on earth. The video helps to reveal a more hopeful approach in ways to help prevent the complete destruction of humanity, as well as teaching the youth about these growing issues. With safer methods, Humans may be able to fix the situation, otherwise living might become difficult. Klein makes it apparent in her work that these large companies are escalating these problems and unaware of the impacts to wildlife, and eventually humans with increasing temperatures. Klein reveals the fate of earth more bluntly, blaming politicians and business owners as ignorant of the growing issue of climate change.

  9. Kevin Lin

    In the video, AOC draws a picture of a prosperous future where the Green New Deal is adopted. I believe it is narrated from the future to better illustrate the possibilities and to give us hope. In talking about all this change in the past tense, she makes it sound like not only is all this possible, but it has been done. The most optimistic painting in the video is the one titled DECADE OF THE GREEN NEW DEAL. Its purpose is to show the passage of other policies such as medicare for all and the federal jobs guarantee. In the center of the painting, there is Earth with a ribbon under it labeled LEAVE NO ONE BEHIND. This is shows how the world (or at least America) was united by this new ideal.

  10. Jessica Cen

    I think the artist narrated this video for the future to make her points more persuasive because it brings her audiences to the setting of how people’s lives would be different if they made the choices the video introduces. For example, we see how pollution has indirectly ruined homes by causing hurricanes. Which connects with her audience’ because everyone would like to protect their home, so to do that, they must work together to solve the climate change problems. She introduces the “ Green New Deal,” where it creates major changes to the city by reconstruction, so lifestyles in the city can become more environmentally friendly. Each point she introduces provides major changes for the people in her story, such as providing them with more jobs. It connects to the unemployment issue that is happening in the present. In one of the slides, she mentioned, “We can be whatever we have the courage to see,”(7:14) and it reminded me of Klein’s article where she mentions that people are coming up with excuses to not make changes. Cortez provides an important message to push people to do things that seem impossible at first, but if they try hard enough, it would provide major changes that benefit the world. It’s not common for every single person to come up with an idea that could solve the environmental issue, but it is necessary for people to work together to make this change occur.

  11. Donnai Peters

    The video is narrated from the future to provide that sense of imagination that many cannot see as of right now. It makes the dream more tangible so it can be attainable. It also acts as a motivation for the youth who are in the front of this fight right now, in letting them know that they can one day change the world. It also lets us know that we have to act right now to change the world later because many of the things talked about in the video have not fell in place as of yet.

  12. Rachel Ng

    The video on the Green New Deal is narrated from the future in order to encourage viewers to think of the affects of their actions on the world. By describing events from the viewpoint of a future where the Green New Deal has been adopted, we are better able to envision the benefits it brings to the environment and the economy. In showing Ileana and her journey from working on restoring wetlands to running for Congress and making a speech about the Green New Deal in front of the windmills powering the Capitol Building, we’re able to see the opportunities and future the Green New Deal brings.

  13. Madinabonu Turgunova

    The video on a green new deal is narrated from the future because I believe that congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez is trying to illustrate to those who are going against her green new deal how beautiful this deal can be to everyone. Through the vivid illustrations given in the video, the congresswoman is trying to show to the opposition side how this deal is not radical, but instead quite reasonable and beneficial. For example, in the video, the congresswoman talks about how the deal offers federal job guarantees, which provides people a job that includes working to retrofit every building in America, putting trains all across the US, and restoring wetlands in various regions. Through these great illustrations, it becomes easier for people to digest this new green deal due to the great opportunities it offers both to the people and most importantly, to the environment.

  14. Jannatul Ashpia

    The Video is narrated from the future perspective because it allows us to imagine the future we hold. Alexandria claims in the video, “You can’t be what you can’t see”. I think the video requires our knowledge of what is needed. A leading generation is what is necessary for us to make a move. Alexandria uses Ileana as a model of what we need in the world to make an initiative for change. Another point of the presentation is visualizing the drastic effect of climate change over the decades. In her essay this changes everything, Klein mentions that climate change was not receiving the crisis treatment. This video gets around and informs us about the various lasting effect of climate change due to our ignorance. At 2:17 mark, Alexandria explicitly points to “massive corporations” were the main ones to ignore the effect of their activity had. “We lost entire species … the natural wonder, gone forever, Hurricane Maria”. I think it’s a common thing for a human to not make a move until the effects of the change are instantaneous. This video summarizes those changes that we’re witnessing. Alexandria also discusses people’s fear to take the initiative. Through the use of the “Green New Deal”, she expands our ideas that it is still not too late to implement just legislature.

  15. Syeda Jannath

    This video is narrated from the future to give hope for what may come if we act fast and appropriately. In the video the narrator says, “Lots of people gave up, they said we were doomed” (3:54), which is a common response to climate change today. As seen in Klein’s work, to combat climate change we would have to completely transform our economy, which to some is not feasible at all. However, this video shows what the world could possibly look like if we acted instead of holding back because of fear. The narration from the future might also be intended to target a wider range of audience, such as kids to show how their lives could be impacted by these effects. This shows that climate change is not a problem for only the large cooperations to deal with and fix, but for everyone because this is our world. This video also hints at the disastrous effects that can occur if we do not take speedy action, such as more natural disasters and a wider gap between the wealthy and impoverished.

  16. Melanie

    The video about the Green New Deal is being narrated as if it were from the future so people are encouraged to acknowledge how their actions have an affect on the world as a whole. Events are being spoken about from the perspective of the future where the Green New Deal was implemented, allowing the people to understand the positive effects that it can bring to our environment and economy. The video demonstrated Ileana’s journey going from working hard to restore wetlands to then running for the position in Congress and being allowed to make a speech about the Green New Deal, thus allowing us to view the opportunities that the Green New Deal would offer in the future.

  17. Raihanul Bhuiyan

    This video is narrated from the future in the hopes of showing how enlightening our results could be if we take the initiative and actions now proposed during the video. Like the original “New Deal”, the Green New Deal is legislation passed by the US in the goal to address societal problems, specifically climate change and economic inequality. The video mentions that while it may have been scary at first, after realizing and reminded of our past struggles and how we overcame them, this is just another obstacle that we will overcome as well. By speaking in the future tense, and claiming passively how we have become successful, the author intends to show its viewers the imminent possibility if this legislation were to be successful and persuade people to take the initiative now so we can reach the future that the author emphasizes as value and with certainty. The author does this is many ways. One is of her drawing of the results of all our actions like health care and childcare (at the end). As a result of our actions, everyone is happy, seems to get along well, and enjoy themselves. In addition, there are a lot of more plants and vegetation. This creates a beauty that creates an awe aspiring dream that viewers can only hope for.

  18. Kristina Almiron

    The video is narrated from the future because it shows that there is hope for the green new deal and for the world. It shows that despite the several factors that are worsening carbon emission and the effects of climate change, we have seen improvement and action from the government, which is something to appreciate. Ocasio-Cortez talks about how the government began to show initiative towards the climate change crisis in 2020, when the white house launched the decade of the green new deal. The purpose of this deal was to not leave anyone behind, as it included Medicare for All and job opportunities with better wages. One of the most meaningful parts of the video is towards the end when she draws out the flood from hurricane Sheldon in southern Florida, but then explains that although the effects of the hurricane were large, it would be the last horrible event we would witness. This is because we acted in time to change how we did things. She then drew out a group of people of different ages and races, to explain that the green new deal worked because we united and worked on ourselves as a whole, to benefit both the poor and the wealthy.


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